Antarctic Ice Marathon 2016
On 25th of November 2016, the twelfth Antarctic Ice Marathon took place at 80 Degrees South, just a few hundred miles from the South Pole at the foot of the Ellsworth Mountains.
On the 23rd of November we flew by private yet from Punta Arenas, Chile to the marathon location at Union Glacier, Antarctica. A marked course of 42.2km (26.2 miles) was prepared in advance and snowmobile support, aid stations and medical personnel were at hand for the duration of the race.
This race presents a truly formidable and genuine Antarctic challenge with underfoot conditions comprising snow and ice throughout, an average windchill temperature of -25C, and the possibility of strong Katabatic winds to contend with. Furthermore, the event takes place at an altitude of 700 metres.
The Antarctic Ice Marathon is the only marathon event within the Antarctic Circle on mainland Antarctica. It takes place approximately two thousand kilometres further south than other marathon events. The race is a full member of the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS). It is also recognized by Guinness World Records and the Book of Alternative Records for record setting purposes.
All competitors finished in the 12th edition!
The Antarctic Ice Marathon is organized by Global Running Adventures / Polar Running Adventures.